This time...tried kat Opah Restaurant LG, Marakesh area, Sunway Pyramid..the food not bad..but the price quite...hhmmm..bole tahan..lagipun location of the restaurant is inside the building...may be the rental also high ya...my prediction..
But..one things i noticed...the way they greet customer..even you can hear voices greeting...salam!!!!!!!!!!! from the end of the kitchen..terkejut jap..hehehehe..
So..arini..mama order..sup tulang rusuk dgn nasi putih untuk my Jenerals and roti jala wit serawa durian..ni yg mama tak tahan as mama don't eat durian..so..arini ayah senyum lebar je la...the sup tulang is very nice...Damia & khayra suka...fariz je tak lalu...org t ak brp sihat..kesian dia...siap betambah nasi putihnya dek pendangan sup tu...Ayah's portion and mommy's portion..we ordered..nasi set..for ayah..ada nasi putih, keropok beras, ikan keli masak tempoyak & kerabu kacang botol..for mama ada nasi putih, keropok beras, sambal tumis udang petai & kerabu pucuk paku...sedap..tapi...to mention earlier..the food portion is for me...can be consider small..maklum la..org mkn byk..rasa kecik je la portion tu..hahahaha..ha...lupa nak mention about air plak...ada air sirap as usual, air teh ais jali2 ha yg ni mama order.. teh ais tambah cincau...jemput..layan..cuci mata smua...bole cuba kalau teringin masakan kampung if you were at Sunway Pyramid...
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